Where is Taba located in Egypt? How far from Cairo to Taba? How long is the distance between Sharm El Sheikh and Taba? One of the most common questions among visitors wishing to travel in Taba, Egypt. Here are the answers to these important questions and more.

Taba is one of Egypt’s favorite tourist destinations. It is a city of great historical value and enjoys a privileged location overlooking the borders of 4 countries. It also overlooks the Gulf of Aqaba and is characterized by beautiful nature and many natural and historical attractions.

One of the most important attractions in this fascinating city is the Bay of Fjord, which is a wonderful diving area, watching colorful coral reefs, stunning sea creatures such as glass and silverfish, Taba’s reserve of 50 species of rare animals. Taba is also one of the best beaches in Egypt with turquoise waters and sand Wonderful gold.

Where is Taba located on the map

Where is Taba located on the map

Taba is located at the top of the Gulf of Aqaba in the Sinai Peninsula in South Sinai Governorate, Egypt. It is worth mentioning that its location is supervised by the borders of four different countries, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Top cities near Taba

After knowing together some important information about Taba as its location and its most important landmarks, we now know the distance between it and the other Egyptian cities and how to navigate between them.

How long is the distance between Cairo and Taba?

How far from Cairo to Taba by car? The distance between Taba and Cairo is about 413 kilometers, according to Google Maps. This distance can be cut in five hours and 48 minutes. Some local companies offer bus trips to Taba.

Distance between Taba and Sharm El Sheikh

Top cities near Taba

How far from Taba to Sharm El Sheikh? The distance between Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba is approximately 222 kilometers, approximately three hours’ walk, only a quarter of a car ride. So there is an excellent opportunity for those wishing to travel to Sharm El Sheikh and Taba together.

The distance between Taba and Dahab

The distance between Dahab and Taba is only 140 kilometers and can be cut in less than two hours by car via the Nuweiba-Taba road and the Dahab-Nuweiba road.